Modifying SAP Connection Properties

Use SAP connection properties as mobile business object (MBO) parameters when making connections from an SAP MBO to an enterprise information system (EIS).

Modify SAP Java connector (JCo) connection properties when creating or editing an SAP mobile business object. You can then use these connection properties as parameters, for example, as personalization keys or default values.

Modify connection properties either from the Mobile Business Object Creation wizard or the Properties view.

  1. In the Definition Window of the Mobile Business Object Creation wizard, expand Runtime Data Source Credential and Connection Properties.
  2. The Connection Properties table displays the configurable connection properties. The Property column is read-only, but you can modify SAP JCo connection properties:
    • You can either input a value or select a personalization key from the drop down list for the property. You can also create a new personalization key for any property except the language property, which does not support personalization.
    • The codepage property does not appear in the table; it is calculated from the language and cannot be modified.
    • Set the Unicode property to either true or false.
  3. To modify connection properties after the MBO is created:
    1. From the Properties view, select the Attributes tab on the left, then the Definition tab.
    2. Click Edit.
    3. Modify as required and click OK.

Once you have created or modified your MBO, you can use these parameters as default values and personalization keys as needed.

At runtime, you can manage SAP connection properties as parameters. For example, if you have an SAP SalesOrder.CreateFromData1 operation that inserts a sales order for a particular user that occurs in the context of a known SAP user, the user's credentials can be used in the insert operation.

Created July 22, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: