Migrating a High Availability-Configured Server

If you are migrating from an Adaptive Server configured with Sybase active-active or active-passive high availability, perform these steps before upgrading to the Cluster Edition:

See Using Sybase Failover in a High Availability System for more information about Adaptive Server for high availability.

  1. Use the appropriate cluster subsystem command to stop monitoring resources associated with Adaptive Server on each node.
  2. If Adaptive server is configured for active-active high availability, drop the high-availability companionship:
    1. For an asymmetric configuration, issue this command on the secondary companion:
      sp_companion primary_companion_name, "drop"
    2. For a symmetric configuration, issue this command on the primary and the secondary companion:
    sp_companion companion_name, "drop"
  3. (If you are running an active-active configuration) Issue this command on both companions to verify that both are in single-server mode:
    Each companion issues this message if it is in single-server mode:
    Server 'server_name' is currently in 'Symmetric normal' mode.
  4. Remove the resources in the cluster subsystem created for high availability such as resource groups. These are not necessary in the Cluster Edition.
  5. Disable the configuration option enable HA on the companion server. Log in to the companion and issue:
    sp_configure "enable HA", 0
    In an active-active configuration, you must do this on both companions.
  6. Follow the steps described in the following sections to upgrade Adaptive Server to the Cluster Edition.