Restoring Replication on Replicate Databases

Restore replication if you have upgraded a destination-only dataserver in a replication system.

Perform these steps for each replicate database and Replication Server System Database (RSSD).
  1. Start Adaptive Server if it is not already running.
  2. Log in to the Adaptive Server.
  3. If you have zeroed out the locator for the database, go to step 4. Otherwise, stop Replication Server, then run:
    1> use RSSD
    2> go
    1> rs_zeroltm dataserver, database
    2> go
  4. Restart the Replication Servers.
  5. Resume the DSI connections that were suspended before the upgrade by executing the following Replication Server command for each suspended database:
    1> resume connection to dataserver.database
    2> go

The replication system is now ready for Adaptive Server 15.7 ESD #2, and applications can resume.

If you installed any Sybase client products, such as Open Client, use the dsedit utility to edit your interfaces file and to specify the servers to which you want to connect.

For more information about establishing client/server connections, see the Open Client Configuration Guide.

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Installing Components from the PC-Client