Installing Adaptive Server as a Shared Versus Private Installation

You can install Cluster Edition versions 15.0.3 and later as shared (via an NFS-based or preferably CFS-based filesystem) by each of the nodes in the cluster, or privately, where each node has a copy of the binaries installed locally, not shared in any way with any other node. See your installation guide for installation instructions.

Cluster Edition version 15.0.1 and earlier must be installed on a shared filesystem. For redundancy purposes, Sybase recommends that customers use a cluster-based file system because NFS-based servers raise availability and performance concerns at client sites.

Sybase recommends that you use a private installation to prevent any confusion and make management of the cluster easier. Installing $SYBASE locally also lays the foundation for possible “rolling upgrades” in a future release of ASE cluster edition and allows you to easily shut down a node, perform OS maintenance and then restart that node without affecting any of the other nodes in the cluster.

Following these guidelines will simplify storage management within the cluster:

When the binaries are installed and the UAF agents are running, run sybcluster to build your cluster. You only need to run this program on one of the nodes because you can manage the cluster with this application from any node in the cluster. When executing this application, you will need to pass the hostnames of the UAF agents that you are planning to use in your cluster. For example, “sybcluster -F node1, node2, node3”. Some things to keep in mind when running this application:
After your cluster is running, Sybase recommends: