Responding to upgrade server Prompts

Run the upgrade server command to upgrade Adaptive Server, as well as to test its readiness for upgrading.

Respond to the upgrade server prompts. Default values appear in square brackets. The prompts are:

  1. Enter the name of the cluster. [ server_name]: Enter the existing Sybase installation directory for server server_name.
  2. Enter the existing Sybase installation directory for server server_name using the complete path to the Sybase installation directory, such as /myserver/sybase15.
  3. Enter the name of the subdirectory containing the ASE installation for server server_name, such as ASE-15_0.
  4. Enter the name of the subdirectory containing the OCS installation for server server_name. For example, enter “OCS-15_0”.
  5. Enter the name of an sa login on server server_name, such as "sa."
  6. Enter the password for the sa login.
    Note: Although you do not need a password for the sa login, you must have a password to create a cluster.
  7. Enter the maximum number of instances. [4]
  8. Enter the number of nodes (hardware hosts) that will participate in this cluster. [1]
  9. Enter the number representing the cluster node 1. [1]
  10. Enter the full path to the quorum disk.
  11. Enter any trace flags.
  12. Enter the full path to the existing master device.
  13. Indicate whether this cluster will have a secondary network. [Y]
  14. Enter the port number from which this range will apply. [15100]
  15. Enter the SYBASE home directory. [Your default location.]
  16. Enter the environment shell script path. [Your default location.]
  17. Enter the ASE home directory. [Your default location.]
  18. Enter the interfaces directory. [Your default location.]
  19. Enter path to the dataserver configuration file. [Your default location.]
  20. Enter the name of the first instance in this cluster:
    Note: The upgrade process creates a cluster with a single instance; add instances later on using the add instance command.
  21. Enter the interface file query port number for instance_name, making sure that the instance query port number is the same as the query port number for the old nonclustered server.
  22. Enter the local system temporary database device name.
  23. Enter the local system temporary database device path.
  24. Enter local system temporary database device size (MB).[100]
  25. Enter the local system temporary database name, for example, [cluster_name_tdb_1 ]
  26. Enter the local system temporary database size (MB).[100]
  27. Specify whether you want save this configuration information in a file? [ Y ]
    Note: If you are running upgrade server to verify that the server is ready for the upgrade process, you can use this file as input to upgrade the server. You can also use it as input to validate the server for numerous subsequent upgrades. For example:
    upgrade server server_name file "/data/myserver_ce.xml" checkonly
  28. Enter the name of the file to save the cluster creation information.
  29. Create the cluster now? [Y]
    If you enter Y and you are running upgrade server to:
    • Test the server to verify that it can be upgraded, upgrade server begins the verification process and displays informational messages as the process proceeds, but does not perform an actual upgrade.
    • Upgrade Adaptive Server, sybcluster begins upgrading the server, displaying informational messages as the process proceeds.