Creating a Response File

By saving installation configuration information into a response file during the initial GUI installation, you can perform subsequent installations of Adaptive Server using a silent—or unattended—method.

To create a response file when installing in GUI or console mode, specify the -r command line argument. The -r argument records your responses to the installation wizard prompts and creates a response file when the InstallAnywhere wizard exits. The response file is a text file that you can edit to change any responses prior to using it in any subsequent installations. You can find a sample response file at installer image/sample_response.txt.

Create a response file during GUI installation by specifying the -r command line argument, and, optionally, specifying the name of your response file:

setup.bin -r response_file_name


  • -r – specifies the command line argument.
  • (Optional) response_file_name – is the absolute path of the file into which the installation information is stored, such as /tmp/responsefile.txt.
Note: The directory path you specify must already exist.