
You can use PowerDesigner to set up and manage a heterogeneous replication system. PowerDesigner Information Liquidity Modeling (ILM) provides a model-driven approach to creating replication metadata—such as connections, routes, replication definitions—and improves overall development, maintenance and understanding of simple to complex replication environments.

The ILM is integrated with other parts of PowerDesigner, namely the physical database model, where schema information for both primary and replicate databases can be used in the ILM.

Additionally, because the PowerDesigner repository contains information about both the database schemas and the replication metadata, it can analyze changes and report the impact on the related component, and coordinate those changes across multiple servers.

PowerDesigner also lets you configure the servers, connections, routes, and Replication Agents in a replication environment. You can:

NotePowerDesigner 15.1 supports Replication Server 15.2, but the level of features supported by PowerDesigner is for Replication Server 15.1.

For more information about using PowerDesigner for replication systems, see the PowerDesigner 15.1 documentation.