Column Order (a_v4_extfn_order_el)

Use the a_v4_extfn_order_el structure to describe the element order in a column.


typedef struct a_v4_extfn_order_el {
    a_sql_uint32        column_index;    // Index of the column in the table (1-based)
    a_sql_byte		ascending;               // Nonzero if the column is ordered "ascending".
} a_v4_extfn_order_el;

Data Members and Data Types Summary

Data Member Data Type Description
column_index a_sql_uint32 Index of the column in the table (1-based).
ascending a_sql_byte Nonzero, if the column order is "ascending."


The a_v4_extfn_order_el structure describes a column and tells whether it should be in ascending or descending order. The a_v4_extfn_orderby_list structure holds an array of these structures. There is one a_v4_extfn_order_el structure for each column in the ORDERBY clause.

Related reference
Order By List (a_v4_extfn_orderby_list)