Adding the extfn_get_license_info Method

If you are a design partner, populate strings in a_v4_extfn_license_info and define extfn_get_license_info as a v4 entry point.

  1. In the a_v4_extfn_license_info structure, specify your company name. The maximum length is 255 characters.
  2. In the a_v4_extfn_license_info structure, specify additional library information such as library version and build numbers. The maximum length is 255 characters.
  3. In the a_v4_extfn_license_info structure, enter the license key provided by SAP.
  4. Ensure the library exports extfn_get_license_info as an entry point.
a_v4_extfn_license_info my_info = {
    "Company Name",
    "Library Info String",
    (void *)"KEY_STRING"

void SQL_CALLBACK extfn_get_license_info( an_extfn_license_info **license_info )
    *license_info = (an_extfn_license_info *)& my_info;