
Use the set_value v4 API method to describe to the consumer how many columns the result set has and how data should be read.


 short set_value(
		void *          arg_handle,
		a_sql_uint32    arg_num,
		an_extfn_value *value


This method is used by the UDF in the _evaluate_extfn API. The UDF must call the set_value method to tell the consumer how many columns are in the result set and what set of a_v4_extfn_table_func functions the UDF supports.

For the set_value API, the UDF provides an appropriate arg_handle pointer via the _evaluate_extfnAPI, or from the args_handle member of a_v4_extfn_table_context structure.

The value argument for the set_value method must be of type DT_EXTFN_TABLE for v4 Table UDFs.


Parameter Description
arg_handle A context pointer provided by the consumer.
arg_num The index of the argument to set a value for. The only supported argument is 0.
value The value of the specified argument.


1 if successful, 0 otherwise.

Related reference
Table Functions (a_v4_extfn_table_func)
Table Context (a_v4_extfn_table_context)