
Use the get_blob v4 API method to return a blob object from a specified column.


 short get_blob(
a_v4_extfn_table_context *cntxt,
a_v4_extfn_column_data *col,
a_v4_extfn_blob **blob


The blob is returned as an output parameter and is owned by the caller. Call this method only on a column that contains a blob.

Use the helper macro EXTFN_COL_IS_BLOB to determine whether a column contains a blob. This is the declaration of EXTFN_COL_IS_BLOB in the header file extfnapiv4.h:

 #define EXTFN_COL_IS_BLOB(c, n)		(c[n].blob_handle != NULL)


Parameter Description
cntxt The table context object
col The column data pointer for which to get the blob
blob On success, contains the blob object associated with the column


1 if successful, 0 otherwise.

Related reference
Table Context (a_v4_extfn_table_context)