Creating a Java Table UDF

Create, compile, and install a Java row generator and create the Java table UDF function definition.


This example executes a Java row generator (RowGenerator) that takes a single integer input and returns that number of rows in a result set. The result set has two columns: one INTEGER and one VARCHAR. The RowGenerator relies on two utility classes:

These are simple implementations of the java.sql.ResultSet interface and java.sql.ResultSetMetaData interface.

  1. Place this code in a file named
    package example;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class RowGenerator {
      public static void rowGenerator( int numRows, ResultSet rset[] ) {
        // Create the meta data needed for the result set
        ResultSetMetaDataImpl rsmd = new ResultSetMetaDataImpl(2);
        //The first column is the SQL type INTEGER.
        rsmd.setColumnType(1, Types.INTEGER);
        // The second column is the SQL type VARCHAR length 255
        rsmd.setColumnType(2, Types.VARCHAR);
        rsmd.setColumnDisplaySize(2, 255);
        // Create result set using the ResultSetMetaData
        ResultSetImpl rs = null;
        try {
          rs = new ResultSetImpl( (ResultSetMetaData)rsmd );
          rs.beforeFirst();  // Make sure we are at the beginning.
        } catch( Exception e ) {
          System.out.println( "Error: couldn't create result set." );
          System.out.println( e.toString() );
        // Add the rows to the result set and populate them
        for( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) {
          try {
            rs.insertRow();   // insert a new row.
            rs.updateInt( 1, i );   // put the integer value in the first column
            rs.updateString( 2, ("Str" + i) );  // put the VARCHAR/String value in the second column
          } catch( Exception e ) {
            System.out.println( "Error: couldn't insert row/data on row " + i );
            System.out.println( e.toString() );
        try {
            rs.beforeFirst();  // rewind the result set so that the server gets it from the beginning.
        } catch( Exception e ) {
            System.out.println( e.toString() );
        rset[0] = rs;  // assign the result set to the 1st of the passed in array.
  2. Compile,, and The Windows directory %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\samples\java ($IQDIR15/samples/java on UNIX) contains and

    javac <pathtojavafile>/

    javac <pathtojavafile>/

    javac <pathtojavafile>/

  3. In Interactive SQL, connect to the iqdemo database.
  4. In Interactive SQL, install the three class files:

    INSTALL JAVA NEW FROM FILE '<pathtofile>/ResultSetMataDataImpl.class'

    INSTALL JAVA NEW FROM FILE '<pathtofile>/ResultSetImpl.class'

    INSTALL JAVA NEW FROM FILE '<pathtofile>/RowGenerator.class'

  5. In Interactive SQL, create the Java Table function definition.
    Be ready to provide this information:
    • The Java package, class, and method names
    • The Java data types of your function arguments, and their corresponding SQL data types
    • The SQL name to assign to the Java UDF
    CREATE or REPLACE PROCEDURE rowgenerator( IN numRows INTEGER )
    	RESULT ( c1 INTEGER , c2 VARCHAR(255) )
    Note: The RESULT set has two columns; one INTEGER and the other VARCHAR(255). The Java prototype has two arguments; one INT (I) and the other an array of java.sql.ResultSets ([Ljava/sql/ResultSet;). The Java prototype shows the function returning Void(V).
  6. In Interactive SQL, use the Java table UDF in a query against the iqdemo database:

    SELECT * from rowGenerator(5);

    The query returns five rows of two columns.

Related reference
SQL to Java Data Type Conversion
Java to SQL Data Type Conversion