
The describe_udf_get v4 API method gets UDF properties from the server.


a_sql_int32 (SQL_CALLBACK *describe_udf_get)(
	a_v4_extfn_proc_context	*cntxt,
	a_v4_extfn_describe_udf_type	describe_type,
	void	*describe_buffer,
	size_t	describe_buffer_len );


Parameter Description
cntxt The procedure context object for this UDF.
describe_type A selector indicating what property to retrieve.
describe_buffer A structure that holds the describe information for the specified property to set on the server. The specific structure or data type is indicated by the describe_type parameter.
describe_buffer_length The length in bytes of the describe_buffer.


On success, returns 0 or the number of bytes written to the describe_buffer. A value of 0 indicates that the server was unable to get the attribute but no error condition occurred. If an error occurred, or no property was retrieved, this function returns one of the generic describe_udf errors.

Related reference
Generic describe_udf Errors