Table UDF Query Plan Objects

The table UDF values and TPF values visible in the query plan.

  • Blocks Fetched – shows the number of chunks used to transfer all the data produced by the UDF. This value equates to the number of times the server called the fetch method of the UDF.
  • Maximum rows per _fetch_into_extfn – (visible ony if the UDF is using _fetch_into_extfn.) Displays the maximum number of rows a UDF can produce on each call to _fetch_into_extfn as determined by the server.
  • Minimum/Maximum values for an output column – displays minimum/maximum values per column if the UDF has set them via extfnapiv4_describe_col_maximum_value. Minimum/maximum appear only for arithmetic data type columns.
  • ORDER BY node (TPF only) – for a TPF, the query plan shows an ORDER BY node as a child of the TPF SubQuery node. The ORDER BY node indicates that the data is ordered as it flows into the table parameter.
  • Output Row Width – (visible only if the UDF is using _fetch_into_extfn.) Shows the width of an output column in bytes. This value is used in calculating the maximum number of rows.
  • TableUDF node – represents an instance of a table UDF in the query. The TableUDF node is a leaf node.
  • TPF node (TPF only) – same as the TableUDF node except that TPF node permits use of an input table parameter. Unlike a TableUDF node which is a leaf node, the TPF is an interior node with at most one child.
  • TPF SubQuery node (TPF only) – child of the TPF node. Represents the subquery for the input table argument.
  • UDF Library – UDF library file name. Shows the full path on disk from which the dynamic library implementing the UDF was loaded.
  • Uniqueness of an output column – reflects the value set by extfnapiv4_describe_col_is_unique.
  • TABLE_UDF_ROW_BLOCK_SIZE_KB – option value displays in query plan statistics if you specify a value other than 128KB.