Enabling and Disabling User-Defined Functions

Use the inmemory_external_procedure security feature to enable or disable the server's ability to make use of high performance in-process UDFs.

A database should maintain data integrity. Under no circumstances should data be lost, modified, augmented, or corrupted. Since UDF execution happens within the SAP Sybase IQ server, there is a risk of corrupting data; practice caution with memory management and any other use of pointers. Install and execute UDFs within a read-only multiplex node. For additional protection, use the secured feature (-sf) startup option with each server to enable or disable the execution of UDF.

Note: By default, UDF execution on a multiplex writer and coordinator nodes is disabled. All other nodes are enabled by default.
Administrators can enable v3 and v4 UDFs for any server by specifying this in the server startup command or in the configuration file:
-sf -inmemory_external_procedure
Administrators can disable v3 and v4 UDFs for any server by specifying this in the server startup command or in the configuration file:
-sf inmemory_external_procedure