Windows Switches

Use the following compile and link switches when building shared libraries on Windows.

Visual Studio 2008 on x86

Important: Include the code for extfn_use_new_api() in each UDF library.

compile and link switches

This example is for a DLL containing the my_plus function. You must include an EXPORT switch for the descriptor function for each UDF contained in the DLL.

cl /Zi /LD   /I includefilepath     my_main.cxx my_plus.cxx  /link /map 
/INCREMENTAL:NO -EXPORT:extfn_use_new_api -EXPORT:my_plus  /out:libiqudfex.dll


Environment setup
set VCBASE=c:\dev\vc9
      set MSSDK=C:\dev\mssdk6.0a
      set IQINSTALLDIR=C:\Sybase\IQ
      set OBJ_DIR=%IQINSTALLDIR%\IQ-15_3\samples\udf\objs
      set SRC_DIR=%IQINSTALLDIR%\IQ-15_3\samples\udf\src
      call %VCBASE%\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat