Configuring Your Environment for SNMP Adapters

The Sybase CEP distribution assumes that you have an existing SNMP implementation, including a properly configured and working daemon or service. The configuration files for Net-snmp 5.4 are included in the Sybase CEP distribution.

In order to preserve existing SNMP configuration files, environment variables are used to append the Sybase CEP Server information to the user 's configuration. Care has been taken to not overwrite user configuration files but, as in all similar installation processes, you should back up your files before the files are modified. Please refer to and similar installation documentation for a thorough discussion of Net-snmp configuration.

The environment settings for Sybase CEP Server are provided in source code form in the file c8_snmp_common.c which can be modified as needed. This initial directory configuration may not be adequate for most needs. In particular, the configuration does not provide for community string settings, authorizations, MIBs for the large variety of hardware available, and so on. These environment variables have been exposed in this manner in an attempt to accomodate the various build-time configurations available to Net-snmp 5.4. The variables documented below are hard-coded into the original source Net-snmp 5.4 by the configuration process at build time. By patching the Net-snmp 4.5 source code with these environment variables, you can create your own configurations.

An effort has been made to ensure proper Net-SNMP operations for a wide variety of configurations. The reason Sybase CEP "soft-coded" these variable is that the net-snmp installation hard-codes these variables at compile time. You may have different settings and the enviromental override scheme is an attempt to accomodate these differences. You should not have to adjust your Net-SNMP settings for Sybase CEP Server.

Because the environmental settings are within Sybase CEP Server process, these settings do not affect other processes.

The Sybase CEP implementation of SNMP assumes a daemon is running. The Net-SNMP service cannot co-exist with the Windows SNMP service unless specific configuration instructions are followed. Refer to the README.win32 instructions for this installation configuration. Your are responsible for this and all other Net-SNMP installation configurations.

In the following list, the C8_INSTALL is the directory in which Sybase CEP Server is installed. The default locations of Net-SNMP files and directories are assumed.