Running the Provided RTViewer Adapter Example

Learn how to run the example provided with RTView Adapter.

To run the provided example:

  1. Start Sybase CEP Server with the provided PortfolioValuation project, and use port 6789.
  2. (Windows) To start the sample display in the RTView viewer, open a DOS command prompt and use:
    %C8_DASHBOARD%\bin\start_viewer.bat %C8_DASHBOARD%\examples examples.rtv
    Note: To start the example RTView builder, replace the start_viewer command with the start_builder command.
  3. (Linux/Unix) Type:
    $C8_DASHBOARD/bin/start_viewer $C8_DASHBOARD/examples examples.rtv
    Note: To start the example RTView builder, replace the start_viewer command with the start_builder command.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions.