Combining data tutorial: Conclusion

Summary of the several kinds of inner and outer join queries.

In this tutorial, you worked with several kinds of inner and outer join queries, which combined rows from a data stream with rows representing stock trade information contained in a window. You also explored different kinds join conditions and data-filtering mechanisms. These join queries allowed you to determine the prices and times of sale for stocks, based on incoming inquiries about particular stock symbols. You can use joins in a wide variety of other applications, such as correlating login information in one data source with data about security alerts in another, or analyzing clickstream activity by joining a stream that delivers information about visits to a particular Web site with a window containing information about recent patterns of activity on the site.

The next tutorial in this series teaches you how to detect patterns of row arrival in one or more data streams.

Further Reading

For more information about topics covered in this tutorial, see "FROM Clause: Join Syntax " and "ON Clause: Join Syntax" in the Sybase CEP CCL Reference Guide .