Using the Flow View

Use the flow view to see a graphical representation of projects.

The Flow view presents a graphical representation of your project. It can help you visualize how project components interact and even help you locate logic errors.

Follow these steps to explore the Flow view:

  1. Click the Maximize button in the Flow view title bar:

    FlowView PNG

  2. Move the pointer over each of the components in turn, pausing to notice the related CCL code that appears.
  3. Right-click each component to display the shortcut menu commands available for each.
  4. Start the project, maximize the Flow view again, and then examine the information about latency, memory usage, and message traffic displayed in the Flow view.
  5. Stop the project.
  6. In the Flow view, click each component in turn while watching the Queries tab. Notice that the relevant CCL code is indicated when you click a component.
  7. Drag the title bar of the Flow view and experiment with placing the view in other locations, including completely undocked. You can move the other Sybase CEP Studio views, with the exception of the Editor view, in the same way.
  8. Click Restore Default Layout on the View menu.