
An example that simulates a stream of eBay movie bid data. The main module of this project contains no CCL statements, although it does contain substantial comments on the two submodules.

The first submodule, DrillDowns, has simple CCL statements that count the number of movie bids for the two available formats, DVD and VHS. For the DVD bids, the number of occurrences for each genre, as defined on eBay is calculated. In addition, the number of bids for each subgenre of the Sports genre is calculated.

By itself, this data is no different from aggregations seen in other examples. In this example, however, a Java (1.5 or later) output adapter is provided. This adapter makes use of jFreeChart to render a Pie Chart for each of the count aggregations. The charts are redrawn every three seconds (as specified by a parameter in the CCL). For example, the genre analysis pie chart appears like this:

The directions for setting up and running the output adapter are contained in the comments in the CCL and in the following file:


where data-file-base-folder is the full path and name of the Adapters Base Folder on your computer, and version is the version of the Sybase CEP Engine.

The second submodule is called Alerts. Alerts is a request/response demonstration that uses an input adapter written in Python (2.4 or later). The module detects when another seller is selling the same item as a requested set of sellers and has a current bid that is higher. A seller whose competition is getting a better price can then examine more closely why this is the case. The input adapter allows the adding of sellers to the set of sellers of interest. It also provides the means to remove sellers from the set of sellers of interest, by using Delete Statements. Alerts are generated only for sellers of interest.

The input adapter provides a simple console-driven user interface:

uris are not specified. 
To add seller userid:
To remove seller userid:
Enter as many commands as desired, separately, with a Return in between each. 
Commands are either: 
add <sellerUserid> 
remove <sellerUserid> 
add S0905 
add S0269 
remove S0905 

See the CCL comments in the main module for suggestions on seller IDs to enter and which streams and windows to view. The directions for setting up and running the input adapter are contained in comments in the CCL and in the following file:


Created March 8, 2010. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: pubs@sybase.com