
This document describes how to create and query an IQ demo database. You can create any number of copies of the database in any directory that you choose, and can re-create it at any time.

You can also use the demo database to create and use an IQ multiplex. An IQ multiplex is multiple IQ servers that access the same IQ store by way of a shared disk cluster. For demonstration purposes, you can use a file system file that is shared by multiple IQ servers. This setup simulates an IQ multiplex environment.

To query or update the database, you can use either Interactive SQL (dbisql) or Sybase Central™, both of which are provided with the IQ server installation.

Sybase suggests that you do not cut and paste the commands directly from this document; extra characters have been added for formatting. Either manually type the command, or cut and paste it to Notepad or vi, edit it to remove any formatting characters, then copy and paste it to the command line.