Configuring the Replication Agent for Oracle to Use XStream APIs

Configure the Replication Agent for Oracle to use XStream APIs with a new oraclexs database type or a resource file.

  1. Set the location of the Oracle XStream JDBC driver in the CLASSPATH environment variable

  2. Create a Replication Agent instance with XStream APIs using the command line prompt, or, create a Replication Agent instance using a resource file:
    • Create and validate a resource file

    • Create the Replication Agent instance

  3. Initialize a Replication Agent instance.

  4. Mark tables, stored procedures, and Oracle sequences for replication.

  5. Enable replication for marked tables, stored procedures, and sequences.

  6. Truncate the transaction logs.

  7. Back up Replication Agent objects in the primary database.

  8. Deinitialize a Replication Agent instance.