Resolve Inconsistencies in the Primary Database Object Marking Status

Use the ra_truncatearticles to remove marked tables that have been dropped at the primary database from the RASD. Otherwise, the tables appear marked in the Replication Agent when you run the pdb_setreptable command.

If you drop a table in the primary database that is marked for replication and run pdb_setreptable, the command returns an incorrect mark status indicating that the table is marked. However, the pdb_setreptable owner.tablename command returns a correct error message indicating that the table does not exist in the primary database. If you create the same table again and run pdb_setreptable, the command still returns an incorrect mark status. The pdb_setreptable owner.tablename command returns a correct status indicating that the table is unmarked. These inconsistencies can also occur when you drop a stored procedure in the primary database and run the pdb_setrepproc command or drop a sequence in the primary database and run the pdb_setrepseq command. To avoid these inconsistencies, run ra_truncatearticles after you drop any table, stored procedure, or sequence in the primary database.

See the Replication Agent 15.7.1 SP100 Reference Manual.