Known Issues for Sybase IQ

Known issues and workarounds for Sybase Control Center for Sybase IQ.

Change request number Description

The Create Dbspace wizard incorrectly allows you to create a dbspace from a multiplex reader. The dbspace created is valid.


If a Sybase IQ simplex server that is registered in Sybase Control Center is converted to a multiplex server using another instance of SCC, Sybase Central, or the command line, the current SCC does not detect the conversion and continues to display the server as simplex.

Workaround: Re-authenticate the simplex resource so that SCC displays it as multiplex.


The CPU History chart in the IQ Multiplex Level Monitor view displays no data.

Workaround: Look at the CPU History charts in one or more node-level monitor views:
  1. Select the node in the Perspective Resources View and select Resource > Monitor Node.
  2. In the monitor view, select Overview in the left pane.
  3. On the Overview page, select the Server tab. The CPU History chart is on the left side.

Authentication can take a very long time, especially when the resource is a multiplex.

In some cases the authentication dialog fails to dismiss.


Multiplex monitors opened from the Administration Console control multiplex monitors opened later. (IQ2764 AC)

  • Open the IQ Multiplex Level Monitor from the Perspective Resources view rather than the Administration Console: select a multiplex server in the Perspective Resources view and select Resource > Monitor Multiplex.
  • If you open a multiplex monitor from the Administration Console, log out of SCC and log back in to clear compromised monitor.



















Changing the name of a Sybase IQ server in Sybase Control Center or in Sybase Central can lead to a variety of problems in SCC.

The server may disappear from chart labels and legends in various places in the multiplex monitor view, such as the Connections, Connection Details, and Cache Size charts. The name is not updated in other places, including the Topology view, the Cache Reads chart, the CPU History chart, and the temporary and main store Disk Usage tabs.

  1. To open the IQ Multiplex Level Monitor, select the multiplex in the Perspective Resources view and select Resource > Monitor Multiplex from the view’s menu.
  2. In the left pane of the monitor view, click Settings.
  3. On the Settings screen, click Select Nodes.
  4. In the Select Nodes dialog, find the server whose name was changed and select its checkbox in the Server column.
  5. Click OK to return to the monitor view.
  6. If the server is still missing or its name has not been updated, close the IQ Multiplex Level Monitor and reopen it as described in step 1.

When you authenticate a Sybase IQ server, enter the user ID in Sybase Control Center in the same case in which it is defined in the Sybase IQ sysuser table.

When the cases do not match, SCC authenticates the server—for example, if the sysuser entry says DBA you can authenticate as dba—but you cannot make changes in the Administration Console.