Installation and Upgrade

Get last-minute information about installation and upgrading that was omitted from or incorrect in your installation guide, or that needs special emphasis.

For detailed information about installing Sybase Control Center 3.1, see the Sybase Control Center Installation Guide.

Installer and uninstaller fail in Windows Vista, Windows 2008, and Windows 7 x86 64-bit if compatibility mode is not set

The installer and uninstaller cannot set environment variables, and therefore fail, in Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows 2008, and Windows 7 on x86 64-bit.

Workaround: In Windows Explorer, right-click setup.exe or setupConsole.exe and select Properties. On the Compatibility tab, select Windows XP compatibility mode.

After installation, make the same compatibility mode change to the uninstaller:


Sybase Control Center licensing

This information is missing from the Sybase Control Center Installation Guide:

Sybase Control Center is licensed free of charge to customers who have a paid license for a product managed by Sybase Control Center (Adaptive Server, Sybase IQ, Replication Server, Replication Agent, or Mirror Replication Agent). Evaluation licenses are also available.

The installer offers these licensing options:
  • Install licensed copy of Sybase Control Center Suite – Choose this option if you have a paid license for a product managed by Sybase Control Center. It installs Sybase Control Center under a permanent (nonexpiring) license.
  • Evaluate Sybase Control Center Suite – Choose this option if you do not have a paid license for a product managed by Sybase Control Center, or if you do not want to install a permanent copy of Sybase Control Center. The evaluation license expires after 30 days.
Installation Guide topics affected:
  • Obtaining a License

Run installer and uninstaller as administrator in Windows Vista, Windows 2008, and Windows 7

This information is missing from the Sybase Control Center Installation Guide:

Because of heightened security features in Windows Vista, Windows 2008, and Windows 7, you must set the Run as Administrator option on the Sybase Control Center installer and uninstaller (CR 618888). Before running these files, right-click them and select Run as Administrator:
  • setup.exe
  • setupConsole.exe
  • %SYBASE%\sybuninstall\SCCSuite\uninstall.exe
Installation Guide topics affected:
  • Installing with the Sybase Installer
  • Installing in Unattended (Silent) Mode
  • Uninstalling

Log in as administrator for uninstallation or silent installation

This information is missing from the Sybase Control Center Installation Guide:

In all versions of Windows, log in as an administrator to perform a silent installation or to uninstall Sybase Control Center.

Installation Guide topics affected:
  • Installing in Unattended (Silent) Mode
  • Uninstalling

All platforms: Port conflicts with upgrades

This information is missing from the Sybase Control Center Installation Guide:

If you are upgrading Sybase Control Center, Sybase recommends that you shut down the earlier version before installing the new version.

When the installer configures HTTP, HTTPS, and RMI ports, it checks to see if the port numbers provided are in use. If the earlier version of Sybase Control Center is running when you install the new version, you cannot use the same ports in both versions. It is necessary to configure different ports only if you plan to run the two versions of Sybase Control Center simultaneously, which is not recommended.

Installation Guide topics affected:
  • Installing with the Sybase Installer
  • Creating a Response File

Use Run as Administrator for the first launch of Sybase Control Center in Windows 2008, Windows 7, and Windows Vista

This information is missing from the Sybase Control Center Installation Guide:

The Installation Guide topic Registering the ODBC Driver explains how to use the Run as Administrator setting in Windows Vista the first time you launch Sybase Control Center. You must also use Run as Administrator the first time you launch Sybase Control Center in Windows 2008 and Windows 7—even if you already have administrative privileges.

Installation Guide topics affected:
  • Registering the ODBC Driver
  • Starting and Stopping Sybase Control Center in Windows

Running Sybase Control Center in the background in UNIX

This information is missing from the Sybase Control Center Installation Guide and the online help:

You can use nohup, &, and > to run Sybase Control Center in the background and redirect output and system error to a file. Sybase recommends that you do this from the Sybase Control Center bin directory. Starting Sybase Control Center this way disables the console.

Here are two sample commands that direct output to the file scc-console.out. If the output file already exists, you might need to use additional shell operators to append to or truncate the file.

For Bourne shell (sh) or Bash:
cd <SCC-install-dir>/bin; nohup ./ 2>&1 > scc-console.out &
For C shell:
cd <SCC-install-dir>/bin; nohup ./ >& scc-console.out &

See the Installation Guide or the online help for other methods of starting Sybase Control Center.

Installation Guide and help topics affected:
  • Starting and Stopping Sybase Control Center in UNIX