
Remove Sybase Control Center from your system.

You can uninstall:
  • In GUI mode – you respond to questions from the uninstaller
  • In silent mode – the uninstaller removes files without your input

Uninstalling removes all components, including the Sybase Control Center basic functionality and the product modules. You cannot uninstall individual components.

Uninstalling does not remove:
  • Files in the Sybase directory that may be shared with other Sybase products, including the JRE
  • Files that were created after installation, such as logs and backup files
  1. If you are uninstalling on Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 2008 on x86 64-bit, set compatibility mode for the uninstaller to Windows XP:
    1. Right-click %SYBASE%\sybuninstall\SCCSuite\uninstall.exe and select Properties.
    2. On the Compatibility tab, select Windows XP compatibility mode.
    3. Click OK.
  2. Launch the uninstaller.

    In Windows:

    GUI mode Open or double-click:
    GUI mode Alternatively, start the uninstaller by selecting Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs > Sybase Control Center Suite > Change/Remove
    Silent mode Execute:
    start /WAIT 
    %SYBASE%\sybuninstall\SCCSuite\uninstall.exe -i 
    To delete user data files, add this option to the command:
    Note: Files requiring manual deletion may remain in the Sybase Control Center installation directory even if you use the DELETE_DATA_FILES option.

    In UNIX:

    GUI mode Execute:
    Silent mode Execute:
    $SYBASE/sybuninstall/SCCSuite/uninstall.bin -i 
    To delete user data files, add this option to the command:
    Note: Files requiring manual deletion may remain in the Sybase Control Center installation directory even if you use the DELETE_DATA_FILES option.
  3. If you are using GUI mode, follow the instructions in the uninstaller.
    If you are using silent mode in Windows, a second console window opens and remains open while the uninstaller is working. When the uninstaller is finished, the second window disappears and the command prompt reappears in the first window.
  4. To delete files created after installation, remove the Sybase Control Center installation directory when the uninstaller is finished.
    If no other Sybase products are installed on this machine, you may also want to remove the Sybase directory (in a default installation, Sybase is the parent of the Sybase Control Center installation directory).