Standby server addressing

You can set up your interfaces file to allow for standby server addressing, which allows Open Client to connect with an alternate server if the first connection attempt fails.

For example, the following interfaces entry directs the application to the server at port number 1025 on the machine named “violet.” If this server is not available, the connection fails.

     query tcp hp-ether violet 1025 
     master tcp hp-ether violet 1025 

However, if the BETA entry has multiple query lines, Open Client automatically attempts to connect to the next server listed when the first connection attempt fails. Such an interfaces entry might appear as follows:

 query tcp hp-ether violet 1025 
 query tcp hp-ether plum 1050 
 query tcp hp-ether mauve 1060 
 master tcp hp-ether violet 1025 

NoteThe SERVERNAME element of an interfaces entry is an alias and does not uniquely identify the actual server. The host and port elements uniquely identify the server.

In the previous example, if Open Client fails to connect to “violet” at port 1025, Open Client attempts to connect to the server listed in the next query line, called “plum,” at port 1050, and so on.

Any number of alternate servers may be listed under a server’s interfaces entry, but each alternate server must be listed in the same interfaces file.