Viewing locks with sp_familylock

sp_familylock displays the locks held by a family. This example shows that the coordinating process (fid 51, spid 51) holds a shared intent lock on each of four tables and a worker process holds a shared page lock:

sp_familylock 51
fid spid loid locktype         table_id   page  row dbname   context
--- ---- ---- ---------------- ---------- ----- --- -------- ----------------
 51  23  102  Sh_page           208003772   945   0 sales
 51  51  102  Sh_intent          16003088     0   0 sales    Fam dur
 51  51  102  Sh_intent          48003202     0   0 sales    Fam dur
 51  51  102  Sh_intent         176003658     0   0 sales    Fam dur
 51  51  102  Sh_intent         208003772     0   0 sales    Fam dur

You can also specify two IDs for sp_familylock.