Extracting information from the trace tree model

To extract information from a tree model, you can use the EntryList function to create a list of top-level entries in the model and then loop through the list, extracting information about each node. For each node, determine its activity type using the TraceActivity enumerated datatype, and then use the appropriate TraceTree object to extract information.

Example: trace tree model

The following simple example extracts information from an existing trace tree model and stores it in a structure:

TraceTreeNode ltctn_list[], ltctn_node
long ll_index, ll_limit
string ls_line 
str_node lstr_node

ll_limit = UpperBound(ltctn_list)
FOR ll_index = 1 to ll_limit   
   ltctn_node = ltctn_list[ll_index]
   of_dumpnode(ltctn_node, lstr_node)
   // insert code to handle display of
   // the information in the structure here

The of_dumpnode function takes a TraceTreeNode object and a structure as arguments and populates the structure with information about each node. The following code shows part of the function:

string ls_exit, ls_label, ls_routinename
long ll_node_cnt
TraceTreeNode ltctn_list[]
errorreturn l_err

astr_node.Children = FALSE
astr_node.Label = ''
IF NOT isvalid(atctn_node) THEN RETURN
CHOOSE CASE atctn_node.ActivityType
   CASE ActRoutine!
     TraceTreeRoutine ltctrt_routin   
     ltctrt_routine = atctn_node
     IF ltctrt_routine.Classname = '' THEN &
        ls_routinename = ltctrt_routine.ClassName + "."
     END IF   
     ls_routinename += ltctrt_routine.Name
     ll_node_cnt = UpperBound(ltctn_list)

     ls_label = "Execute " + ls_routinename + ' :' + &
         space(ii_offset) + String(l_timescale * &
         (ltctrt_routine.ExitTimerValue - &
         ltctrt_routine.EnterTimerValue), '0.000000')
     astr_node.Children = (ll_node_cnt > 0)
     astr_node.Label = ls_label
     astr_node.Time = ltctrt_routine.EnterTimerValue
   CASE ActLine!
     TraceTreeLine tctln_treeLine   
     tctln_treeLine = atctn_node   
     ls_label = LINEPREFIX + &
        String(tctln_treeLine.LineNumber )
     astr_node.time = tctln_treeLine.Timervalue
     // CASE statements omitted
     ls_label = "INVALID NODE"

   astr_node.label = ls_label