Using the TraceFile object

To access the data in the trace file directly, you create a TraceFile object, open a trace file, and then use the NextActivity function to access each activity in the trace file sequentially. For each node, determine what activity type it is by examining the TraceActivity enumerated datatype, and then use the appropriate trace object to extract information.

Example: direct access to trace data

The following example creates a TraceFile object, opens a trace file called ltcf_file, and then uses a function called of_dumpActivityNode to report the appropriate information for each activity depending on its activity type.

string ls_fileName
TraceFile ltcf_file
TraceActivityNode ltcan_node
string ls_line

ls_fileName = sle_filename.Text
ltcf_file = CREATE TraceFile
ls_line = "CollectionTime = " + &
   String(Truncate(ltcf_file.CollectionTime, 6)) &
   + "~r~n" + "Number of Activities = " + &
   String(ltcf_file.NumberOfActivities) + "~r~n" + &
   "Time Stamp " + "Activity" + "~r~n"

mle_output.text = ls_line

ltcan_node = ltcf_file.NextActivity()
DO WHILE IsValid(ltcan_node)
   ls_line += of_dumpActivityNode(ltcan_node)
   ltcan_node = ltcf_file.NextActivity()

mle_output.text = ls_line

The following code shows part of of_dumpActivityNode:

string lstr_result

lstr_result = String(Truncate(atcan_node. &
   TimerValue, 6)) + " "
CHOOSE CASE atcan_node.ActivityType
   CASE ActRoutine!
      TraceRoutine ltcrt_routine
      ltcrt_routine = atcan_node
      IF ltcrt_routine.IsEvent THEN
        lstr_result += "Event: "
        lstr_result += "Function: "
      END IF
      lstr_result += ltcrt_routine.ClassName + "." + & + "(" + &
         ltcrt_routine.LibraryName + ") " &
         + String(ltcrt_routine.ObjectId) + "~r~n"
   CASE ActLine!
      TraceLine ltcln_line
      ltcln_line = atcan_node
      lstr_result += "Line: " +     &
         String(ltcln_line.LineNumber) + "~r~n"
   CASE ActESQL!   
      TraceESQL ltcsql_esql
      ltcsql_esql = atcan_node
      lstr_result += "ESQL: " + ltcsql_esql.Name &
          + "~r~n"

   // CASE statements and code omitted
   CASE ActBegin!
      IF atcan_node.Category = TraceIn! THEN
         lstr_result += "Begin Tracing~r~n"
         lstr_result += "End Tracing~r~n"
      END IF
   CASE ActGarbageCollect!
      lstr_result += "Garbage Collection~r~n"
   CASE else
      lstr_result += "Unknown Activity~r~n"

RETURN lstr_result