Retrieving data

StepsTo retrieve data:

  1. In the Database painter, select the table or database view whose data you want to manipulate.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Click one of the three Data Manipulation buttons (Grid, Tabular, or Freeform) in the PainterBar.

    • Select Data or Edit Data from the Object or pop-up menu and choose one of the edit options from the cascading menu that displays.

    All rows are retrieved and display in the Results view. As the rows are being retrieved, the Retrieve button changes to a Cancel button. You can click the Cancel button to stop the retrieval.

Exactly what you see in the Results view depends on the formatting style you picked. What you see is actually a DataWindow object. The formatting style you picked corresponds to a type of DataWindow object (grid, tabular, or freeform). In a grid display, you can drag the mouse on a column's border to resize the column.

This window is in the grid format:

The sample Results view is a grid with columns and a scrollable results area shows rows of data.

Only a few rows of data display at a time. You can use the First, Prior, Next, and Last buttons or the pop-up menu to move from page to page.