Displaying libraries and objects

What you see in the views

In the Tree view, you can expand items and see the folders, libraries, or objects they contain. The List view displays the contents of a selection in the Tree view.

StepsTo expand or collapse an item in the Tree view:

  1. Double-click the item.

    If the item contains libraries or objects, they display in the List view.

StepsTo display the contents of an item in the List view:

  1. Select the item in the Tree view or double-click the item in the List view.

Using drag and drop to expand items

You can drag and drop items to expand them and see the contents.

If you drag an item from a Tree view or List view to a List view, the List view sets the item as the root and displays its contents.

If you drag an item from a Tree view or List view to a Tree view, the Tree view expands to display the dragged item.

For example, you can drag a library from the Tree view and drop it in the List view to quickly display the objects the library contains in the List view. If you are using one Tree view and multiple List views, you can drag a specific library from the Tree view to each List view so each List view contains the contents of a specific library.

For information about using drag and drop to copy or move items, see “Copying, moving, and deleting objects”.