Asynchronous Prefetch Activity Report

Reports asynchronous prefetch activity for all caches.

For information on asynchronous prefetch for each database device, see “Disk I/O Management”. For information about asynchronous prefetch, see Chapter 6, “Tuning Asynchronous Prefetch,” in Performance and Tuning Series: Basics.

“Total APFs Requested” reports the total number of pages eligible to be prefetched, that is, the sum of the look-ahead set sizes of all queries issued during the sample interval. Other rows in “Asynchronous Prefetch Activity” provide detailed information about:

APFs Issued

Number of asynchronous prefetch requests issued by the system during the sample interval.

APFs Denied Due To

Reports the reasons that APFs were not issued:

APF Buffers Found in Cache

Number of buffers from APF look-ahead sets that were found in the data cache during the sample interval. Asynchronous prefetch tries to find a page to read in the data cache using a quick scan, without holding the cache spinlock. If that does not succeed, APF then performs a thorough scan holding the spinlock.