Path Corrections for Backward Compatibility

Changes in the directory structure for the Sybase Mobile SDK installation in this version, which were not updated in the documentation, are summarized here.

When you encounter a path in the product documentation for Unwired Platform version 2.1 ESD #3 that includes any of the following directories, refer to this topic to see the path change in all cases:
When you encounter a path in the product documentation for Unwired Platform version 2.1 ESD #3 that includes any of the following directories, refer to this topic to see the path change if the text is referring to Sybase Mobile SDK:

There are three categories of path changes for Mobile SDK. The following sections describe these categories and list the SDK folders affected.

Mobile SDK Folder Name Changes to "MobileSDK213"

Mobile SDK files that were under the Mobile SDK folder in earlier versions are still under the Mobile SDK folder in 2.1.3, but that folder name now incorporates the version number. The directory structure under these folders does not change.

Path to Earlier Version SDK Files Path to 2.1.3 SDK Files
MobileSDK_InstallDir \MobileSDK\HybridWeb MobileSDK_InstallDir \MobileSDK213\HybridWeb
MobileSDK_InstallDir \MobileSDK\MAKit MobileSDK_InstallDir \MobileSDK213\MAKit
MobileSDK_InstallDir \MobileSDK\ObjectAPI MobileSDK_InstallDir \MobileSDK213\ObjectAPI
MobileSDK_InstallDir \MobileSDK\OData MobileSDK_InstallDir \MobileSDK213\OData

Some Folders that Were Siblings to Mobile SDK Folder Become Children

Mobile SDK folders that were siblings of the Mobile SDK folder in earlier versions are now under the renamed Mobile SDK folder.

Path to Earlier Version SDK Files Path to 2.1.3 SDK Files
MobileSDK_InstallDir \Eclipse MobileSDK_InstallDir \MobileSDK213\Eclipse
MobileSDK_InstallDir \JDK1.6.0_31 MobileSDK_InstallDir \MobileSDK213\JDK1.6.0_31
MobileSDK_InstallDir \MobileSDK\sapjco MobileSDK_InstallDir \MobileSDK213\sapjco
MobileSDK_InstallDir \MobileSDK\Unwired_WorkSpace MobileSDK_InstallDir \MobileSDK213\Unwired_WorkSpace

Other Folders that Were Siblings to Mobile SDK Folder May Now Be Duplicated

In earlier versions of Unwired Platform, some folders that were siblings of the Mobile SDK folder contained files for Runtime and Mobile SDK. In this version, if Mobile SDK is installed on a system where Unwired Platform Runtime is installed, the Runtime files remain in those folders as siblings of the Mobile SDK folder, but the SDK files move into a folder with the same or similar name under the 2.1.3 Mobile SDK folder.

If the documentation refers to Mobile SDK files, you must make the path changes detailed below. If the documentation refers to Runtime files, do not change the specified path.

Path to Earlier Version SDK Files Path to 2.1.3 SDK Files
UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir\UnwiredPlatform\-jvm MobileSDK_InstallDir\MobileSDK213\-jvm
UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir\UnwiredPlatform\InstallLogs MobileSDK_InstallDir\MobileSDK213\InstallLogs
UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir\UnwiredPlatform\ThirdParty MobileSDK_InstallDir\MobileSDK213\ThirdParty
UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir\UnwiredPlatform\Uninstallers MobileSDK_InstallDir\MobileSDK213\Uninstaller