Maintaining MBS Client Applications

To continue to use your existing MBS client applications, continue to use an earlier version of the SDK.

When you upgrade your Sybase Mobile SDK, the installation does not overwrite earlier versions of the SDK. Instead, the installation coexists with the earlier version of the SDK, and retains full backward compatibility with applications developed in the earlier version. However, features available in 2.1 ESD #3 or later versions of the SDK may not be available for applications developed in earlier versions of the SDK.

The following replication-based synchronization features are unavailable for messaging-based synchronization applications:

For information on support of earlier SDKs with a 2.1 ESD #3 or later server, see the Installation Guide for Sybase Mobile SDK > Getting Started > Backward Compatibility.

For information on messaging-based synchronization applications, see the Developer Guide: iOS Object API Applications from 2.1 ESD #2.