Known Issues for APIs and Custom Development

Learn about known issues and apply workarounds for APIs and custom development.

CR #Description
DynamicQuery API calls from MBOs fail.
Invoking FindWithQuery with this query causes a NullPointerException:
Query query = new Query();
            Object valueObject = null;
            query.TestCriteria = AttributeTest.Equal("PHASE", valueObject);

Workaround: To query for null fields, use the IS_NULL operator:

Query query = new Query();
            query.TestCriteria = AttributeTest.IsNull("PHASE");
You cannot insert DEFAULT in the timestamp column when the API is accessing SQL Server.
Workaround: DEFAULT is a Microsoft SQL keyword, and cannot be set by the client. Instead, use this create operation:
insert into sql_date (c_datetime, c_smalldt) values(:dt1, :dt2)