Unwired Server Logging Reference

This topic covers logging and tracing done by Unwired Server.

In the consolidated database (CDb), there is one appmessage table and many UA_rid_wid_pb_param tables, one corresponding to each window ID (WID, an MBO read or its operations), that store errors encountered during the sync request. The "rid" in table names stands for Resource ID, which identifies the Sybase Unwired Platform package.

For MBO reads, the appmessage table stores error messages, mapped to remoteId + username , that are due to:

The UA_rid_wid_pb_param table stores other errors resulting from the back end, which are considered as operations playback errors that are common to all users who are providing same set of bindings. Operations playback errors are also copied into the appmessage table.

All these errors are also logged into the log4j-based uep.log file, either as ERROR or as WARN. The error log statement does not print the username or remoteId, but it prints the associated thread_id.

If the log level is set to INFO, then the log file also has an INFO log statement that maps the username and remote-id to a thread_id.

Logging uses the config/log4j.properties file. You may set only a single logging level to control the level of detail recorded in all logging files. The destination files and other log4j-specific settings for both log4j (and counters) can be modified in the config/log4j.properties file.

There is a mapping from the log statement to the remote-id in uep.log, but parsing the logs to generate proper alerts is not a simple task.

Errors from the back end are printed as is, in the uep.log file, sometimes along with error code from the back end, but this information may become truncated in the database tables.

Note: Unwired Server does not provide any way of redirecting logs to a database or generating alerts when certain entries appear in the logs. However, there are log4j appenders that can be set up to insert log entries into a database and triggers can use them to generate arbitrary notifications.

Created September 17, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: pubs@sybase.com