List of Known Issues for Sybase Unwired WorkSpace Eclipse Edition

This topic lists known issues for Unwired WorkSpace Eclipse Edition.

Table 1. Unwired WorkSpace Eclipse Edition issues
CR# Description
569181 Filter By must be checked for MBO parameters that affect results and unchecked for MBO parameters that do not affect results.
Sybase Unwired Workspace Eclipse or Visual Studio Edition makes Filter By checked or unchecked by default as follows:
  • Profile parameters, or back-end connection-wide meta parameters, such as username and password usually do not affect the result. The default setting for Filter By is unchecked. In cases when a different loginid returns different results, you must change Filter By to be unchecked.
  • Operation-specific parameters, such as a custId parameter in an Orders MBO, are invariably result-affecting. The default setting for Filter By on these parameters is checked, and there is never a reason to change that setting to unchecked.

If you have an MBO profile parameter in a situation where it does affect the results, the default setting for Filter By (unchecked) does not work. If you change the default setting for Filter By in other cases, the changed Filter By setting does not work.

Workaround: Do not change the default Filter By setting for an MBO parameter unless you have a profile parameter in a situation where different values of the parameter return different results.

568834 Generated client code including GUI forms cannot be opened in Visual Studio Form Designer.

When you generate client code including GUI from Sybase Unwired Platform Visual Studio or Eclipse Edition, you cannot open the generated forms in Visual Studio Form Designer. This is a known bug of Visual Studio.


  1. Go to the directory C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727.
  2. Open the Microsoft.CompactFramework.Common.targets file.
  3. Locate the tag: Name="PlatformVerificationTask">
  4. Change it to: Name="PlatformVerificationTask" Condition="'$DoPlatformVerificationTask'=='true'">
  5. Save the file.
  6. Repeat the process with C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5.
  7. Restart Visual Studio 2008

This workaround disables the platform verification. If you want to enable it, you can define an environment variable DoPlatformVerificationTask and set its value to true.

567601 Parameters fail to show in the Unwired WorkSpace Operation Creation wizard if a WSDL contains multiple bindings.

If a WSDL contains multiple bindings, when you create a Create, Update, Delete, or Other operation using the MBO Operation creation wizard, the wizard fails to display operation parameters.

Workaround: Manually modify the WSDL file and leave only one binding, then the parameters will show properly in the MBO Operation creation wizard.

566750 Mobile Middleware Server (MMS) does not support precision and scale numerical type.

If a column is a numeric type with precision (18,0 for example) in the SQL Anywhere database, the tooling API treats it as a decimal type when fetching the column information from the SQL Anywhere database to the MMS. For example, if you input the column as "company_id=2" when you are building a device application in the Device Application Designer, it is converted to "company_id=2.0" and therefore cannot be found in SQL Anywhere.

Workaround: Do not use numeric types with precision for columns.

566718 Mobile Business Object (MBO) parameter and argument names cannot exceed 100 characters.

When developing MBOs, if a parameter or argument name exceeds the 100 character limitation, the following deployment error displays (on the runtime side):

Caused by: com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybSQLException: SQL Anywhere Error -638: Right truncation of string data.

Workaround: Limit parameter and argument names to 100 characters.

566306 SAP MBOs do not support setting default values for multiple rows simultaneously.

Although Unwired WorkSpace supports batch editing rows of table information (for example, parameter mapping and attribute mapping), SAP MBOs do not support this feature. When defining an SAP MBO, if you define default values for multiple rows, at runtime only the first row's value is set.

Workaround: To set default values, define them for each row individually, not by batch editing.

566253 With MBOs with cascade-synchronization relationships, if all levels are marked "syncable," a change in an MBO in a lower level of the cascade generates a notification message for each level above.

When a Sybase Unwired Platform application uses multiple MBOs that have cascade-synchronization relationships behind them on the server, registering push subscriptions for multiple levels in the relationships causes multiple notification messages when changes are detected in those MBOs. Any change at a lower level is automatically treated as a change in the levels above.

Workaround: In a set of MBOs with cascade-synchronization relationships, mark only the top level MBO as "syncable" in the properties of the MBO from the General tab.

565296 Do not uncheck the Filter By checkbox.

Sybase strongly recommends that you do not uncheck the Filter By checkbox on mobile business object (MBO) parameters for syncable MBOs.

If the MBO does not have Filter By checked, each time a client synchronizes with a different value, the MBO table is cleared out and new values are inserted for the new parameter. This feature should only be used in cases where clients have individual subscriptions in an MBO for some horizontal subset of rows that are specific to them, which is typically some other parameter that is Filter By with personalization involved.

Workaround: None.

565296 Push subscriptions for MBOs that require sync parameters do not work reliably when Filter By is unchecked.

Push subscriptions for MBOs that require sync parameters do not work as expected when Filter By is unchecked. If the client needs to present a sync parameter value during a push sync, it passes in a NULL, which is usually not what is wanted. The result is that client data does not get updated with the changes.

Workaround: None.

564248 Using DYNAMIC_PREPARE=true for JDBC data sources does not work for batched queries.

If you are creating an MBO from a JDBC data source that performs batched queries, the DYNAMIC_PREPARE property must not be set to true.

Workaround: Remove the DYNAMIC_PREPARE property from the data source properties. For example:

  1. In Unwired WorkSpace, right-click a SQL Anywhere data source in Enterprise Explorer and select Properties.
  2. From the Properties dialog select Sybase ASA Connection Properties, then select the Other Properties tab.
  3. Highlight the Dynamic_Prepare entry and click Remove.
564169 Personalization keys used only as data source credentials, when exported from Visual Studio to Eclipse, do not deploy to Unwired Server.

When you export a mobile application project from Visual Studio to Eclipse, personalization keys used as data source credentials are not deployed to Unwired Server. Regular personalization keys used in MBO attributes and parameters are deployed correctly.

Workaround: Open the exported model in Eclipse and manually add the personalization keys.

561947 SQL Anywhere datatypes nchar and nvarchar are not fully supported.

When you drag and drop a SQL Anywhere table into the Device Application Designer and the table contains nchar or nvarchar datatypes, the MBO that is created does not contain any valid SQL statements and the Table Schema Editor displays such columns as 'null' type.

Workaround: Use the Tool Palette to create the MBO and manually enter the SQL statements.

561525 Profile screen for an MBO for Windows Mobile devices cannot be saved with invalid host name or port number.

If you create or edit a Profile screen for an MBO for Windows Mobile devices, and specify either a host name or port number for the Unwired Server that are not currently valid, a Failed to save profile error displays when you attempt to save the screen.

Workaround: Save the Profile screen with a host name and port number that are currently valid, then change the host name or port number to the desired values later, when those values are valid.

561456 First application deployed to some very slow Windows Mobile devices may fail to launch without user intervention.
Note: This problem only occurs on very slow devices.

The first time you deploy an application to a device or emulator, Unwired Server must also deploy the MS.NET CompactFramework. If you use a non-silent install, it is possible that the process of deploying the application completes before the MS.NET CompactFramework is fully deployed; when this situation occurs, your application may fail to launch without user intervention. Specifically, you must select OK fairly quickly on dialogs that appear, or the deployment fails.

Workaround: Use a silent install to deploy the application, or after a non-silent install fails, deploy the application again.

559585 When creating an MBO from a Microsoft SQL stored procedure, since column names are retrieved from the back-end database, invalid attribute mappings can occur.

For example, if you create the stored procedure as follows:

    create procedure SP_Preview_31
        select count(*) from Customer

An error message is generated on the Attributes Mapping page, indicating an invalid attribute name because part of the stored procedure's definition includes "->" at the end of the definition, which is invalid in Unwired WorkSpace.

Workaround: Provide a valid stored procedure definition.

For example, if you alias the above query (use "select count(*) as "count" from authors" instead of "select count(*) from authors") there is no error:

    create procedure SP_Preview_31
        select count(*) c from Customer
552133 Personalization keys are not supported as operation parameters for SAP mobile business objects (MBOs).

SAP MBOs do not support personalization keys as operation parameters. They do support personalization keys as synchronization parameters.

Workaround: None.

550826 When developing multi-level insert MBOs that require multiple parents, each parent must be created and synchronized before the next parent is created.

If you have a multi-level insert MBO that requires multiple parents, you must create and synchronize each parent individually before creating the next parent.

Workaround: None.

541504 Nothing shows under a connected profile in Eclipse Data Tools Platform.

This is a known issue of Eclipse Data Tools Platform (DTP) and affects all the connection profiles:

Workaround: None.

538901 Eclipse Edition's Quick Create feature does not support all datatypes from SQL Anywhere 10.

If the SQL Anywhere 10 database table uses a datatype that Sybase Unwired Platform does not support, the Eclipse Edition Mobile Business Object Quick Create feature does not work; no attributes or operations are created in the MBO.

Workaround: None

537383 Creating an SAP connection using a property file.

If you browse to a property file to create an SAP connection rather than entering the properties yourself, each time you open the Mobile Business Object Creation Wizard to create an SAP mobile business object, the BAPI metadata is reloaded from the SAP system, which can take awhile.

Workaround: If you use a named connection, data loads faster, but you must manually delete the serialization files if the metadata changes.

Serialization files are located in C:\Sybase\UnwiredPlatform-1_2\Unwired_WorkSpace\Eclipse\sybase_workspace\mobile\eclipse\plugins\com.sybase.uep.tooling.api_1.2.0.<current build number>\sapCache.

Created September 17, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: