Exporting Objects from an EAM to Another Model

The Export Objects Wizard helps you to export EAM objects to other PowerDesigner models to allow you to model their implementation in detail.

  1. Select Tools > Export Objects to open the Export Objects Wizard:

  2. Specify the EAM objects that you want to export to another model by selecting them from among the sub-tabs in the selection field, and then click Next.
  3. Specify the model to which you want to export the EAM objects from among the models open in the workspace, and then click Next.
  4. Specify the kind of object that you want to create in the target model.
  5. [optional] Enter or select a stereotype to identify the type of dependency that will be created between the EAM objects and the objects that you are creating from them. For example, "Implemented by".
  6. Click Finish to start the export.

    The EAM objects are exported to and created in the specified model.