Specifying Additional Query Types

You can specify additional query types that must be supported by your hardware profiles.

  1. Open the property sheet of the hardware profile library and click the Sybase IQ Configuration tab.
  2. In the Query Type Baselines list, click the Add a Row tool, and enter a name and comment to identify and describe your new query type.
  3. In the Minimum Concurrency column, enter the number of simultaneous instances of the query that the reference profile can support (in addition to all the other query types) when the system balance is set to 0% (low cost most important).
  4. In the Maximum Concurrency column, enter the number of simultaneous instances of the query that the reference profile can support (in addition to all the other query types) when the system balance is set to 100% (high performance most important).
    The next time that you launch the Advisor wizard in an reference architecture model associated with the hardware library (see Creating Reference Architectures), you will be able to specify requirements for the new query type.