Creates an interface to an external Java table UDF.

For CREATE PROCEDURE reference information for external procedures, see CREATE PROCEDURE Statement (External Procedures). For CREATE PROCEDURE reference information for table UDFs, see CREATE PROCEDURE Statement (Table UDF)

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Syntax 1 – For a query referencing at least one SAP Sybase IQ table:

CREATEOR REPLACE ] PROCEDUREowner.]procedure-name ( [ parameter, …] )
   [ RESULT (result-column, ...)]
   EXTERNAL NAMEjava-call’  [ LANGUAGE java ] }

Syntax 2 – For a query referencing catalog store tables only:

CREATEOR REPLACE ] PROCEDUREowner.]procedure-name ( [ parameter, …] )
   [ RESULT (result-column, ...)]
   [ DYNAMIC RESULT SETS integer-expression ]
   EXTERNAL NAMEjava-call’ [ LANGUAGE java ] }

parameter - (back to Syntax 1) or (back to Syntax 2)IN parameter_mode parameter-name data-typeDEFAULT expression ] 

result-column - (back to Syntax 1) or (back to Syntax 2)
   column-name data-type

java-call - (back to Syntax 1) or (back to Syntax 2)
   '[ package-name.]class-name.method-name method-signature'

java - (back to Syntax 1) or (back to Syntax 2)


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If your query references SAP Sybase IQ tables, note that different syntax and parameters apply compared to a query that references only catalog store tables.

Java table UDFs are only supported in the FROM clause.

For Java table functions, exactly one result set is allowed. If the Java table functions are joined with an SAP Sybase IQ table or if a column from an SAP Sybase IQ table is an argument to the Java table function then only one result set is supported.

If the Java table function is the only item in the FROM clause then N number of result sets are allowed.


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  • SQL—ISO/ANSI SQL compliant.
  • SAP Sybase Database product—The Transact-SQL CREATE PROCEDURE statement is different.
  • SQLJ—The syntax extensions for Java result sets are as specified in the proposed SQLJ1 standard.


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Unless creating a temporary procedure, a user must have the CREATE PROCEDURE system privilege to create a procedure for themselves. To create UDF procedure for others, a user must specify an owner and have either the CREATE ANY PROCEDURES or CREATE ANY OBJECT system privilege. If a procedure has an external reference, a user must also have the CREATE EXTERNAL REFERENCE system privilege, in addition to the previously mentioned system privileges, regardless of whether or not they are the owner of procedure.