CASE Statement

Selects execution path based on multiple cases.


CASE value-expressionWHENconstant | NULL ] THEN statement-list …
… [ WHENconstant | NULL ] THEN statement-list ] …
…ELSE statement-listEND 



The CASE statement is a control statement that lets you choose a list of SQL statements to execute based on the value of an expression.

If a WHEN clause exists for the value of value-expression, the statement-list in the WHEN clause is executed. If no appropriate WHEN clause exists, and an ELSE clause exists, the statement-list in the ELSE clause is executed. Execution resumes at the first statement after the END.

Note: The ANSI standard allows two forms of CASE statements. Although SAP Sybase IQ allows both forms, when CASE is in the predicate, for best performance you must use the form shown here.
If you require the other form (also called ANSI syntax) for compatibility with SQL Anywhere, use this syntax:
   WHEN [ search-condition | NULL] THEN statement-list ...
   [ WHEN [ search-condition | NULL] THEN statement-list ] ...
   [ ELSE statement-list ]
   END [ CASE ]
With this ANSI syntax form, the statements are executed for the first satisfied search-condition in the CASE statement. The ELSE clause is executed if none of the search-conditions are met. If the expression can be NULL, use the following syntax for the first search-condition:
WHEN search-condition IS NULL THEN statement-list 
Attention: Do not confuse the syntax of the CASE statement with that of the CASE expression.


  • SQL—Vendor extension to ISO/ANSI SQL grammar.

  • Sybase—Not supported by Adaptive Server Enterprise.



Related reference
BEGIN … END Statement