Known Issues for Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7

Known issues and workarounds for Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7.

Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 Issues
CR# Description
N/A Adaptive Server Enterprise load performance can be affected by both the amount of memory available on the machine and the size of the data set.

If you have sufficient memory to hold the entire RAPCache database, use an in-memory database for your RAPCache. If you do not have enough memory, use a relaxed-durability database instead.

If there is not enough physical memory on the machine, you can improve overall load performance of large data sets by using raw devices, rather than file system devices. Writes are faster while using raw devices, as there is no double buffering as with file system devices. The initial load performance with a raw device may not be as good as with a file system device, but there is no performance drop over time, and the total load time is less than the load time with a file system device.


To use raw devices rather than file system devices, change the physname specification in the disk init commands to the names of raw devices. The disk init dsync parameter has no effect when initializing a raw device.