Setting Up Sybase Control Center for Monitoring and Administering

Monitor and administer the components of a RAP system from a single instance of Sybase Control Center (SCC).

Do not use spaces in the installation directories for any of the RAP components.

  1. Open a new command prompt. Do not reuse a command prompt from the installation of another RAP component.
  2. Go to
  3. Select Maintenance Releases and Bug Fixes (EBFs).
  4. Select the latest version (3.2.7 or later) of Sybase Control Center for your platform.
  5. Run the SCC framework installer version 3.2.7 or higher.
    The installer may display additional options other than the options below but the suggestions detailed in this step are important when configuring SCC for RAP. If no suggestion is made for an option, you can accept a default value or see the Sybase Control Center Installation Guide for additional information.
    1. Install a licensed copy of SCC.
    2. Select a full installation.
    3. Select a unique port that is not in use when prompted for an RMI port for the SCC agents. If you are installing multiple Sybase products on this machine, the default port of 9999 may already be in use.
      The installer copies files.
    4. Once the installer completes copying files, it prompts you to enable shared disk mode. Choose to disable shared disk mode.
    5. Do not start the Sybase Control Center service through the installer.
  6. After the installation completes, install the Event Stream Processor management agent plugin (MAP) into the SCC installation.
    1. Install the ESP MAP into your SCC server by copying the ESPMAP directory from the <ESP Installation Directory>/<SCC-3_2>/plugins directory to the plugins directory inside this SCC installation.
      The SCC-3_2 portion of this path may be different depending on the version of SCC that you installed.
    2. Remove the ESPMAP directory from your Event Stream Processor installation directory.
  7. Run Sybase Control Center:
    1. Source the or SYBASE.csh script under the SCC installation directory.
    2. Run <SCC Install Location>/SCC-3_2/bin/, where <SCC Install Location> is the installation location for SCC.
      The SCC-3_2 portion of this path may be different depending on the version of SCC that you installed.
  8. Start the Event Stream Processor, Adaptive Server, and Sybase IQ agents to allow the SCC server to manage them. Start the Adaptive Server agent only if you installed Adaptive Server as your in-memory database.

    Start a new terminal for each product before sourcing. Also note that the SCC directories listed below may differ slightly from your actual directories depending on the version of SCC installed with each product.

    1. Start the Event Stream Processor agent for SCC. From the Event Stream Processor installation folder:
      • Source or SYBASE.csh.
      • Run SCC-3_2/bin/
    2. (Perform if ASE is your in-memory database) If you have shut down the ASE agent for SCC since your ASE installation, start the agent again. Otherwise, the agent is started because the ASE installer starts this agent for you. From the Adaptive Server installation folder:
      • Source or SYBASE.csh .
      • Run SCC-3_2/bin/
    3. Start the Sybase IQ agent for SCC. From the Sybase IQ installation folder:
      • Source or IQ.csh.
      • Run SCC-3_2/bin/