Key Differences in RAP 5.0

There are key differences between RAP R4.1 and the current version of RAP.

In RAP 4.1, each message was defined in a template.  RAP templates contained a message name, type, and a destination table name, as well as column names and their datatypes. The publishers (feed handlers) multicast data in the network while the subscribers got the data off the network and persisted it to the Adaptive Server Enterprise and Sybase IQ databases. Both publishers and subscribers used RAP templates to validate and process data.

Sybase RAP 5.0 is now a project within the Event Stream Processor environment. The publishers are now input adapters, and the subscribers are now the Sybase ASE and Sybase IQ Output adapters.  RAP templates are now schemas for streams and windows in Event Stream Processor. Each message type requires a separate stream or window that has an ASE and Sybase IQ Output adapter attached to it.

Event Stream Processor  has streams and windows with defined schema, and these streams and windows are attached to input and output adapters. The role of input adapters is to convert data into Event Stream Processor datatypes whereas the role of output adapters is to write out the data into the datatype used by the destination. See the Event Stream Processor documentation for additional information.

Data is brought into Event Stream Processor using a variety of input adapters and is output using various  output adapters. RAP ships with a sample project that you can use to accept data from these input adapters (or you can write your own custom input adapter) and feed it into the ASE and Sybase IQ Output adapters. These adapters output data into the RAPCache (Adaptive Server Enterprise) and RAPStore (Sybase IQ) databases, and  also enable you to persist the data into the  databases. You can monitor and administer RAPCache, RAPStore, and the ASE and Sybase IQ Output adapters  using the Sybase Control Center for Event Stream Processor.

Due to these differences, you need to perform the steps below to migrate from RAP 4.1 to 5.0:
  1. Create a project in Event Stream Processor. This includes creating streams to represent your RAP messages and attaching the ASE and Sybase IQ Output adapters to these streams.
  2. Upgrade the Adaptive Server and Sybase IQ databases and make the necessary schema changes.
  3. Convert your existing RAP publishers to use the Event Stream Processor C SDK.