Sybase IQ load support enhancement (Upsert and Delete)

ETL 4.8 includes support for Upsert function for the Bulk - Load components, namely, “IQ Loader File via Load Table”, “IQ Loader DB via Insert Location”, and “DB Bulk Load Sybase IQ”. This new functionality allows you to perform bulk insert, update, and replace on records in a table that are identified through key attributes.

The Upsert function updates a row if the record already exists; else insert a record to a table in a database if the record does not exist. This functionality does not update the existing records; it only replaces the existing record on an attribute level. In earlier versions of ETL, Upsert functionality was performed only by separate row - level update and insert operations.

In addition, ETL 4.8 now supports Delete function on the “DB Bulk Load Sybase IQ” component, which provides a faster method to delete existing records in a table that are referenced by a key. In earlier versions of ETL, delete operations were performed by executing a Delete function for each row.

For more information, see Chapter 5, “Components” in the Sybase ETL 4.8 Users Guide.