Changes to alter database replication definition

The alter database replication definition syntax has been modified and several new parameters added.

alter database replication definition db_repdef
with primary at data_server.database
{[{not replicate DDL} |
{replicate DDL [{with | without} {auto_update_table_list | auto_extend_table_list}]}] |
[not] replicate setname setcont |
[not] replicate {{SQLDML | DML_options} [in table_list]} |
[alter owner from current_table_owner to new_table_owner [for table_name]] |
[{add | remove} tables {setcont}]}
[with dsi_suspended]
[user username password pass]
setcont ::= [[in] ([owner1.]name1[, [owner2.]name2 [, ... ]])] | [in files ('file_path')]
setname ::= {tables | functions | transactions | system procedures}
Replication Server 15.7.1 SP200 adds these parameters:

See alter database replication definition in the Reference Manual.