Changes to create database replication definition

The create database replication definition syntax has been modified and several new parameters added.

create database replication definition db_repdef
      with primary at server_name.db
      [not replicate DDL] |
      [replicate DDL [{{with | without} auto_update_table_list} |
      {{with | without} auto_extend_table_list}]]
      [[not] replicate functions setcont]
      [[not] replicate transactions setcont]
      [[not] replicate system procedures setcont]
      [[not] replicate tables [[setcont [except setcont]] | in files (‘file_path’)]
       [[not] replicate {SQLDML | DML_options} [in table_list]]
       [user username password pass]]
setcont  ::= [[in] ([owner1.]name1[, [owner2.]name2 [, ... ]])]
Replication Server 15.7.1 SP200 adds these parameters:

Example 1

Creates a database replication definition dbrepdef. DDL is replicated and if a table is marked for replication at the primary, the table is automatically added to table_list when create table DDL commands are encountered. The command also replicates data for the table USER1.TABLE1 and all data for TABLE2, except the TABLE2 owned by USER2.
create database replication definition dbrepdef
with primary at ds1.pdb1
replicate DDL 
with auto_extend_table_list
replicate tables in (USER1.TABLE1, *.TABLE2)  except in (USER2.TABLE2)

Example 2

Creates a database replication definition db_repdef. DDL is replicated, but does update the table_list when new DDL commands are encountered. The command also replicates data for the table specified in the file /sap/user/tablelist.txt, which include tables USER1.TABLE1, and all data for TABLE2.

For example, tablelist.txt contains:
#user tables:
create database replication definition db_repdef
with primary at ds1.pdb1
replicate DDL 
replicate tables in files (‘/sap/user/table_list.txt’)

See create database replication definition in the Reference Manual.