Parallel Processing in DIST

Maximize parallel processing of each transaction in the distributor (DIST) thread to improve replication performance.

For each primary database managed by an SAP Replication Server, the DIST thread uses the Stable Queue Transaction (SQT) thread to read transactions from the inbound queue, processes transactions one by one, and then uses the Stable Queue Manager (SQM) threads to write transactions to the outbound queue.

With parallel DIST processing, the DIST thread processes transactions in parallel after the SQT reads transactions from the inbound queue. Processing transactions in parallel increases the speed of replication, yet guarantees that the transaction delivery sequence to the replicate site is the same as the commit order of the transactions that occurred at the primary site.

Use the parallel_dist parameter to enable parallel processing in the DIST thread for a specific connection to a primary database or for all primary database connections to SAP Replication Server.

See Parallel Processing in DIST in the Administration Guide Volume 2.